General terms and conditions Mrs.Me

1. These general terms and conditions are part of any agreement in which Mrs.Me acts as the selling party. Other terms will only be part of the agreement when agreed upon
by both parties in writing.

2.1 In order to be valid, any complaints regarding the quality of the goods, must reach us in writing and motivated within a period of 30 days after delivery. When the period mentioned has expired, complaints will not be accepted.
2.2 Complaints will only suspend the obligations of payment when the complaint is admissible and valid, on the understanding that the suspension will only apply to the amount that has beencharged to the buyer for the goods which are subject of the complaint.

3.1 No product whatsoever can be returned without the explicit permission of Mrs.Me.
3.2 Mrs.Me will only be liable for the costs of shipment of the returned products when: the condition of article 3.1 has been met, the shipment will be made in the way that Mrs.Me indicates and the complaint is admissible and valid.
3.3 Mrs.Me will have the right to keep the goods at the expense and risk of the buyer when the complaint based on which the products have been returned proves to be invalid.

4.1  Payment within 14 days after invoice date, unless otherwise specified on the invoice.
4.2  In the event that payment is not received within the period mentioned in article 4.1 or a different term specified on the invoice, Mrs.Me will be entitled to charge the buyer the statutory interest over the amount due.
4.3 In case of non-payment after notice has been given, Mrs.Me has the right to: start collection procedures on the account of the buyer, discontinue further deliveries, dissolve the agreement complete or partly without notice of default or a court order and claim damages.

5.1 In the event that Mrs.Me cannot meet the obligations of delivery under the agreement as a result of strike, government action, non compliant or late deliveries by suppliers, or other events of force majeur, Mrs.Me has the right to suspend delivery for a reasonable period of time to be determined by Mrs.Me, without being liable for any damages.

6.1 The delivered goods shall remain property of Mrs.Me until the buyer has met all his obligations concerning payment. However, the buyer has the right to sell and deliver the products to a third party as long as Mrs.Me has not indicated in writing that the goods should be immediately put at her disposal.

7.1 Mrs.Me is not liable to, and the buyer will safeguard Mrs.Me against claims from third parties concerning damages in case:
- these damages are caused by inappropriate or inexpert use or storage of the products by the buyer or third parties and / or
- these damages are the result of non compliance by the buyer with the instructions given by Mrs.Me concerning protection of the quality and / or
- the buyer did not store or deliver the products to a third party in the original packaging by Mrs.Me.

8.1 This agreement will be governed by Dutch law. Any disputes will be judged by the Court of Law in Amsterdam.